Specialised Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel is a generic name for iron alloys and covers a wide range of steel types and grades for corrosion or oxidation resistant applications, and has a minimum of 10.5% chromium. Other alloying elements are added to enhance their structure and properties such as formability and strength.
These include metals such as:
- Copper
- Molybdenum
- Nickel
- Titanium
Stainless steels are generally used for their corrosion resistant qualities for a specified application or environment. Additional applications may require mechanical or physical properties to achieve performance. High quality surface finishes can be achieved by electro polishing and special surface effects such as rigidizing and colouring.
Stainless Steel Products Manufactured:
- Parapet copings
- Beam casings
- Lift panelling
- Machine guarding
- Corridor buffer rails
- Water tanks
- Industrial ink wells
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